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Dr. Johnson’s Vita

2011 MEMO


I want to provide you with a brief memo on my new patient management and clinical breakthroughs. I am treating patients with a new approach to healing, through affective neuroscience. The neurobiological realms of affective phenomena represent new convergences for optimal treatment outcome and success. My clinical treatment focus is combined with modern neuroscience and analysis, and I also utilize the latest best scientific perspectives of dynamic systems theory. I combine my therapeutic modality with the assessment and treatment of all major psychiatric problems. These new scientific directions provide new breakthroughs with clinical application. We can now help provide a broader range of comprehensive treatment for all major diverse medical and psychiatric patient populations. The results are amazing.

For your information, and because of these new exciting breakthroughs, I retrained in neurobiology and contemporary psychoanalysis in New York. I completed a postdoctoral certification in Contemporary Psychoanalysis, training with the leading scientific experts today. My doctoral and postdoctoral education is more described in detail below. I also am also licensed and nationally Board certified. I will be granted Diplomate status in the new few weeks.

The treatment regime is more sophisticated today more than ever. I believe that real change for all patients must take place on the affective and neurobiological levels. Patients and their problems typically occur on multiple dysregulated tracks, and these neurophysiological problems must be treated in new dynamic clinical settings.

I have seen how more than ever, we can recreate new self-organization in the right hemisphere (the maladaptive center of biological and affective syndromes), for all DSM IV Disorders and for the general medical patient population, through my talking specialty. The clinical value of retraining at the postdoctoral levels in N.Y., is that I can now create new neuropathways of emotional continuity across the psychiatric and biological lifespan (it’s always both), through mutual affective neurobiological regulation, for all people trapped in restrictive emotional and medical pain – maladaptive syndromes and psychopathology.

The central assumption of my scientific model of treatment model is that bioenergetics transmissions must be recreated in the right brain’s psychobiological system through specifically created interactions and mutual regulation. Many of my patients also require clinical psychopharmacology implementation, to help stabilize their condition, while we work together to construct the regulation process. Rather than focus on the single mode of treatment, medication only, I use the dual approach to clinical treatment – both psychiatric medications and dynamic analysis. I see positive results when both types of intervention are utilized at the highest levels.

However, in today’s world of neurobiological advancements, we can do a whole lot more. In my clinical treatment, I specifically focus on the patient’s emotional brain, and on the interpersonal processes of emotional information, that passes between us (the old word transference fits here) that must be mutually re-regulated at the higher levels of interpersonal interaction. My postdoctoral certification and training in N.Y. [over four years] provides me with the necessary clinical tools to deeply help complex patients change.

Through my new talking methods, I am able to recreate the activation of synchronized bioenergetics processes that reemerge in the central nervous system (CNS), the limbic circuits, in both hemispheres, specific areas that are associated with concomitant homeostatic adjustments in the autonomic nervous system (ANS’s) as well. I have four upcoming books on this process of affective and relationships regulation that are devoted to explaining how to deeply change.


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